Deeper photographed backstage at The Independent
S: Who are some of the bands that inspired you to pursue music?
D: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus fermentum mi nec neque bibendum, nec facilisis risus cursus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc rhoncus quam est, at consequat ante ultrices ac. Mauris quam velit, placerat a rutrum non, sagittis vel felis. Morbi rhoncus lorem vel mi mollis, vel feugiat dolor hendrerit. Integer luctus mauris est, sed fermentum sem feugiat nec. Etiam ac nulla dictum, gravida velit eu, semper lorem. Fusce molestie nulla vitae fringilla ultrices. Pellentesque risus nisi, placerat id elementum in, imperdiet a felis. Vivamus varius nisl vel neque luctus, quis tristique purus imperdiet. Proin molestie vulputate mauris, a sollicitudin libero posuere vitae. Phasellus tempor ipsum urna, et hendrerit ex luctus imperdiet. Sed efficitur aliquet mauris eget ultricies. Nulla malesuada nisi eu accumsan convallis. Nullam ac tristique nisi.
S: Do you draw inspirations from other art forms besides music??
D: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus fermentum mi nec neque bibendum, nec facilisis risus cursus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc rhoncus quam est, at consequat ante ultrices ac. Mauris quam velit, placerat a rutrum non, sagittis vel felis. Morbi rhoncus lorem vel mi mollis, vel feugiat dolor hendrerit. Integer luctus mauris est, sed fermentum sem feugiat nec. Etiam ac nulla dictum, gravida velit eu, semper lorem. Fusce molestie nulla vitae fringilla ultrices. Pellentesque risus nisi, placerat id elementum in, imperdiet a felis. Vivamus varius nisl vel neque luctus, quis tristique purus imperdiet. Proin molestie vulputate mauris, a sollicitudin libero posuere vitae. Phasellus tempor ipsum urna, et hendrerit ex luctus imperdiet. Sed efficitur aliquet mauris eget ultricies. Nulla malesuada nisi eu accumsan convallis. Nullam ac tristique nisi.
Deeper Reflections.
S: While making music, do you ever experience a sort of Synesthesia? do you ever visualize sounds or do sounds come from a visual place??
D: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus fermentum mi nec neque bibendum, nec facilisis risus cursus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc rhoncus quam est, at consequat ante ultrices ac. Mauris quam velit, placerat a rutrum non, sagittis vel felis. Morbi rhoncus lorem vel mi mollis, vel feugiat dolor hendrerit. Integer luctus mauris est, sed fermentum sem feugiat nec. Etiam ac nulla dictum, gravida velit eu, semper lorem. Fusce molestie nulla vitae fringilla ultrices. Pellentesque risus nisi, placerat id elementum in, imperdiet a felis. Vivamus varius nisl vel neque luctus, quis tristique purus imperdiet. Proin molestie vulputate mauris, a sollicitudin libero posuere vitae. Phasellus tempor ipsum urna, et hendrerit ex luctus imperdiet. Sed efficitur aliquet mauris eget ultricies. Nulla malesuada nisi eu accumsan convallis. Nullam ac tristique nisi.
San Francisco, January 22 2019
Deeper minutes before their set at The Independent in San Francisco during their tour with The Districts
Chicago based band Deeper share with Synesthesia a few words on photography,
art that inspires them as well as other sonic affairs in exclusive interview
Photography by Corgam
Deeper photographed backstage at The Independent
S: Who are some of the bands that inspired you to pursue music?
D: Fela Kuti, The Cure, The Velvet Underground, Sonic Youth, Wilco, Liars, No Age, Neil Young, The Strokes, and the native pow wow music of Bear Creek.
S: Do you draw inspiration from other art forms besides music?
D: For sure, we pull inspiration from a lot of different forms of art. The rawness of brutalist architecture has definitely influenced our whole sound – that’s probably the closest of any art form to embody our music style. Our ambient/noise interludes reference impressionistic paintings in a lot of ways, the blurry feeling of movement and such. We really try to juxtapose different ideas that typically wouldn’t go together, it’s usually that contrast that makes things cool. Film has been a big inspiration to all of us too. One of the first t-shirt designs we made was a picture of Alejandro Jodorowsky (Director of "El Topo" and "Holy Mountain"). The title "Transmogrified" was taken from a passage in the book "Bluebeard" by Kurt Vonnegut.
S: Are there any cinephiles in the band?
D: Probably Mike. If there’s some boundary-pushing film, he’s always checking it out and talking through it with us.
Deeper Reflections.
S: Who was behind the idea of the "Pavement" music video, and do you tend to get involved in the visual aspect as well or is that something less important to you?
D: We were behind the idea. Essentially we wanted to show this washed up metal singer in his day-to-day life and the sort of persistent dread he experiences. The idea originally came from a tour promo where we dressed our friend Charlie up as a death metal singer. We had him chug a 40 on top of a dumpster while the dates scrolled by and thought it would be a funny idea to expand into a music video. We definitely prefer to make our own concepts for videos. Not only is it fun, but it’s a nice escape from writing music.
S: While making music, do you ever experience a sort of Synesthesia? do you ever visualize sounds or do sounds come from a visual place?
D: None of us experience synesthesia, but we definitely try to pull in sounds from visual places. In general though, most of our songs come from feeling and just letting it happen. We typically just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.
Above: Singer/Guitarist Nic Gohl
Below: Guitarist Mike Clawson
S: How important is the photography aspect for a band like Deeper?
D: Very important. Nic’s mom gifted him a camera a few years back and there was a roll of undeveloped film still in it from 20 years ago. He had it developed and found the picture you see on our album cover.
S: What’s your opinion of live shots versus formal photo shoots?
D: Each serves a purpose, but we don’t necessarily prefer one over the other. Live shots capture us more ‘in our element’, but without sound to accompany it, they don’t really do justice for what they’re trying to capture. Formal shots can feel overly staged though and sort of make us question whether we are being ourselves or just a caricature of who we’re supposed to be.
Above: Bassist Drew McBride
Below: Drummer Shiraz Bhatti
S: Looking back at these photos, are there any memorable moments from that night at The Independent?
D: Well first and foremost, it was Nic’s birthday the night of the show, so we had a pretty great time celebrating with him. The Districts guys ‘iced’ him on stage after our first song and I think we were all unsure for a second if he’d be able to get through the set without getting sick. It ended up being one of our favorite sets of the tour and definitely one of the best sounding rooms.