L.A. WITCh talk photography
and rock & roll
Synesthesia spoke with Sade Sanchez, Irita Pai and Elle English about the importance of photography and other sets of imageries.

S: What did you think of the photos, any memorable flashbacks?
IRITA: The colors in these photos give it a really nostalgic feel. Since that show we've done a month-long Europe/UK tour, and we're currently on the road on our second one, heading to Manchester. So for me it definitely feels like this was ages ago, even if only a few months have passed. The first tour we ever went on was a DIY tour, we played San Francisco and the Bay Area. Every time we go back, the city seems different, but it still has a special place in my heart.
SADE: I love the colors of these. They remind me of a Jesus and Mary Chain album cover!
S: How important is the photography aspect for a band like L.A. Witch?
SADE: it's super important and it always has been, even before we started touring. I got my first camera when I was about 15, I think. But you visit so many places and meet so many people. The photos I take are my diary. It's how I remember everything. Or a least try to.
IRITA: We all really enjoy taking photos, especially on tour. It helps me remember all the crazy places and cool people we've met.

San Francisco · 2016
Photos + Post by Corgam

S: The photos mostly portray you setting up and wrapping up, as a photographer, I love being able to catch those moments, it’s a very intimate atmosphere, and the images turn out better generally because of it, but this is something that gets lost at bigger venues. What do you think of this process, is it something you enjoy doing, or you’re ready for some roadies?
SADE I think it's cool that's someone would wanna catch those moments. For us, it's something that we are used to and might not be something that's necessarily special to us, but other people might find it interesting or somehow compelling. I know I like to see what kind of gear my favorite bands played, how they set up or even what clothes they wore. I can be a nerd about those kind of things. Settings gets old for sure tho. I just wanna play!
IRITA: Roadies would be great. It's hard to load everything, especially heavy amps, day in and day out for months on end.
ELLIE: Its always nice to get help when loading. But, honestly I think I would miss parts of the whole process if we had roadies doing all the work.

S: What's your opinion of live shots versus formal photoshoots? Do you have a preference?
IRITA: I feel like the two are definitely entirely different types of photography. For me, the most important thing in a photograph is catching a beautiful, fleeting moment in time, and any type of photoshoot can achieve that.
SADE: I like both styles. I don't have a preference. I'll definitely pick a film shot over a digital shot any day tho. I like scrappy stuff. I like raw moments even if they're ugly. I like things that feel natural and real. Maybe I can just relate more to weird fucked up stuff rather then a perfect picture.

S: What's your opinion regarding the "No Photo" Policy established in certain venues or events?
IRITA: Sometimes it's nice when people aren't distracted by wanting or needing to take photos, you always see people in the audience holding up their iPhones and whatnot. I feel like with a "no photo policy" you can enjoy the music a lot more rather than be concerned on catching the perfect moment.
SADE: I don't know how I feel about it. I think you should be able to do whatever the fuck you want! Haha!
ELLIE: Sometimes it's nice to not worry or think about someone taking a photo or video. I guess I just feel uncomfortable in front of cameras. But the truth is, you never really know if or when someone is photographing you or recording you when your playing so I guess it doesn’t really matter.